About Diamond

We began filling prescriptions for long-term care facilities over 40 years ago when we were still a retail drug store located on Philadelphia Street in Indiana. In those days, our pharmacist would personally deliver the prescriptions to the facility on his way to and from work. We’ve gotten much busier since then and expanded business into new areas, but our long-term care customers were, and continue to be, an invaluable part of our growth.

These free educational conferences are a way for us to thank the many registered nurses, nursing home administrators, and personal care/assisted living administrators we’ve gotten to know along the way, and also a way for us to introduce ourselves to new professionals. I hope you all enjoy the courses, the complimentary breakfast and lunch, and the opportunities to network with your colleagues.

Have you identified an area of practice that needs reinforced or reviewed with your staff? Our experts can develop a custom in-service for any area of practice.

Contact Trina Plazio, RN, CRNI® for more info:
724.349.1111 x1100

Want To Learn More?

The mission of the Diamond Information and Learning Opportunities Group (DIALOG) is to provide continuing education opportunities for a diverse range of healthcare specialties on behalf of groups and facilities. Our in-house educators’ areas of expertise include gerontology, disease states and well-being, HIV education, safety and disaster preparedness, IV certification, and so much more. A sample listing of course curricula includes:

  • Disease States and Treatment Therapies
  • Infusion Therapy
  • Medication Administration and Management
  • Staff Development
  • Facility Administration and Management
  • Much More!

Upcoming Events

Lancaster, PA
May 15th, 2025
Doubletree Lancaster

Contact Us

(724) 349-1111 or (800) 882-6337 ext-2258
645 Kolter Drive
Indiana, PA 15701